Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"You don't LOOK pregnant!"

As promised, here is a little ranting from a hormonal pregnant lady...

Last night, I said seven words to my hubby that I anticipate he will never...NEVER hear again:  "I can't wait until I get fat."  Of course, those words were followed by a sentence that makes things make a little more sense:  "I'm so tired of people saying to me, but you don't LOOK pregnant!"  No kidding?!  I'm still pretty new to this whole pregnancy thing, but based on most things I've read, first time pregnant ladies are not supposed to look pregnant at my point in the game.  Don't worry folks, I'm sure, Lord willing, I will wake up one day and look like I swallowed a basketball.  As long as the doctor says I'm doing okay, I'm going to attempt to worry as little as possible.  (And we all know how not little that is!)

Moving on...
It has turned winter very quickly around these parts.  Thank goodness for the buck stove to help keep us warm!  I've done a little decorating for Christmas, but don't have a tree up yet.  And let's don't even begin to discuss Christmas shopping!  YIKES!

I suppose I should get back to work.  Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. It's supposed to be a good thing not to "look pregnant" really soon...some people do look big early on, and nobody wants that. Sorry if I offended you by saying you didn't look pregnant was meant as a compliment. Glad to know the check up went well.
