Much has been going on the past few days. Thursday afternoon, my blood pressure decided that it needed to leave the teenage girl numbers that I have enjoyed my entire life (and entire pregnancy) and skyrocket into the wonderful land of "pre-hypertension." While sitting at my desk at work. A pretty scary moment for me. But then the more scary moment occurred... A call to the doctor's office ended with them saying the words "you need to go to labor & delivery." Ok, I know I've been saying for at least two weeks now that I am ready for him to be here, and I am. BUT - I'm guessing I wasn't as ready as I thought I was. Because those words sent me into another level of panic. Oh yeah, and scared the daylights out of PJ, too! :) Before he could get to me and head to the hospital, the doctor's nurse had called back and they had decided that I didn't need to go to the hospital. Instead, I was instructed to go home and lie down for an hour, check my bp, and call her back. Instructions followed, and since the bp had gone down a little, I was told to stay home, but come in to the office the next morning.
Friday morning: mom takes me to the doctor, who reports that my bp is ok, and they think I am just exhausted. No, really? I thought a person could flourish on 3-5 hours of sleep a night?! Anyway, she prescribed a weekend of rest, Tylenol PM at night, and just "take it easy." Nine months pregnant, OCD, gestational diabetes, blood pressure trying to cause problems, no groceries in the house, and nothing on TV all weekend, and you want me to take it easy?! RIGHT...
I did the best I could...and am back at work this morning. Next check-up is at 10:45 in the morning. We'll see what happens then.
Oh yeah, and thanks to everyone who has been praying for rain. I think your prayers have been answered! I wish I would quit forgetting my Muck boots at mom's house...I really could've used them this morning.
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